fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.base module

Base classes for mission-related OpenMDAO components.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.base.NeedsOWE(num_par_fd=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openmdao.core.system.System

To be inherited when Operating Weight Empty variable is used.

Initialize all attributes.


Perform any one-time initialization run at instantiation.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.base.NeedsMTOW(num_par_fd=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openmdao.core.system.System

To be inherited when Max TakeOff Weight variable is used.

Initialize all attributes.


Perform any one-time initialization run at instantiation.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.base.NeedsMFW(num_par_fd=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openmdao.core.system.System

To be inherited when Max Fuel Weight variable is used.

Initialize all attributes.


Perform any one-time initialization run at instantiation.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.base.BaseMissionComp(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: openmdao.core.system.System

Base class for mission components.

Initialize all attributes.


Perform any one-time initialization run at instantiation.

property name_provider: enum.Enum

Enum class that provides mission variable names.

property variable_prefix: str

The prefix of variable names dedicated to the mission .

property mission_name: str

The name of considered mission.

property first_route_name: str

The name of first route (and normally the main one) in the mission.

static get_mission_definition(mission_file_path: Optional[Union[str, fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.schema.MissionDefinition]]) fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.schema.MissionDefinition[source]

mission_file_path – the file path, or an already built MissionDefinition instance. In the latter case, the returned instance will be the same object.


the MissionDefinition instance built from provided mission_file_path