fastoad.exceptions module

Module for custom Exception classes

exception fastoad.exceptions.FastError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base Class for exceptions related to the FAST framework.

exception fastoad.exceptions.NoSetupError[source]

Bases: FastError

No Setup Error.

This exception indicates that a setup of the OpenMDAO instance has not been done, but was expected to be.

exception fastoad.exceptions.XMLReadError[source]

Bases: FastError

XML file read Error.

This exception indicates that an error occurred when reading an xml file.

exception fastoad.exceptions.FastUnknownEngineSettingError[source]

Bases: FastError

Raised when an unknown engine setting code has been encountered

exception fastoad.exceptions.FastUnexpectedKeywordArgument(bad_keyword)[source]

Bases: FastError

Raised when an instantiation is done with an incorrect keyword argument.